Books are for use. Books are for all. Every book its reader, or every reader his book. Save the time of the reader. A library is a growing organism. Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan (Father of Library Science).

IITTM, NOIDA has a resourceful library, one of a kind in Tourism, Travel and allied field of education in Northern India. Institute has got a well equipped and well stocked library with a view to offer students, faculty members and researches, reference material on a wide range of tourism and other related subjects. The primary aim is to equip them with books authored by well known foreign and Indian experts on tourism and related disciplines. The Library has a unique collection of 5000 books of various publications, encyclopedias, dictionaries, classics of world literature, full text journals. It also receives various Travel Magazines, Newspapers, Newsletters and Annual Reports from public and private organizations. A wide range of CDs based on tourism themes and those received with books are also available. 260 online journals are also made available through the Institute’s intranet.

Rules and Regulations of Library

General Rules

  1. Library will observe the following working hours:
Semester period Monday to Friday 09:00 hours to 18:00 hours.
(Saturday and Sunday)
Vacation period Monday to Friday 10:00 hours to 17:00 hours.
  1. Every person who enters the library shall sign the gate register in token of his acceptance to adhere to the rules of the library.
  2. Any personal belongings except purses and one note-book shall not be allowed to be carried with the readers beyond the issue counter. These shall be deposited at the property counter.
  3. Readers shall maintain perfect order and silence in the library.
  4. Making noise, spitting, smoking or doing anything else which may disturb other readers or which may be against the discipline of the library is strictly prohibited.
  5. Librarian will have the authority to disallow any member from entering the library, if he is intoxicated or not properly dressed. The Librarian will also have the authority to disallow any person from entering the library at his discretion without giving any reason.
  6. No person entitled or permitted to use the library shall mutilate, disfigure, deface by writing in the margins, by underlining sentences, by marking passages or by damaging in any other way a book, periodical, may or chart or any other property of the library.
  7. A reader responsible for any damages caused to the reading materials or to any other property of the library shall be required to replace the reading material or pay for the property besides the penalty imposed upon him by the Librarian.
  8. If books issued to a member are found mutilated at the time of return he/ she shall have to replace or pay the price thereof. Therefore, members are requested to check the books thoroughly before getting them issued.
  9. Readers shall vacate their seats 15 minutes before the closing time of the library or earlier if the Librarian, or in the absence of the Librarian, the senior-most staff ember of the library orders so.
  10. The Librarian reserves the right to suspend/ cancel the membership privilege of any member found misbehaving with the Library staff or for any other indecent behavior. Such a member is also liable to be expelled from the library.
  11. When the students have any complain about the services providing by the library they should not enter into argument with the library staff. Instead, they are advised to bring it to the notice of the Librarian.
  12. Any infringement of the library rules will render a member’s privilege of admission to and of borrowing books from the library liable to cancellation.
  13. These library rules may be altered or amended or new rules may be added to the existing ones by the Executive Council from time to time without notice to the members and these rules or any alternations or amendments to them shall be effective and binding on all concerned. A copy of these rules will be made available when asked for.
  14. The library attendant at the entrance and exit gate of the library is authorized to search the person or a reader if he suspects that he is carrying any unauthorized book or other reading materials or any other property from the library.

Eligibility for Library membership

  1. Following persons are eligible to become member of the library:
    1. All students on roll of the IITTM, NOIDA
    2. Staff members of IITTM
    3. Any other person authorized by the Direct
  2. A person eligible to be enrolled as a member of the library will fill up and sign a membership registration form obtainable form the Librarian.
  3. All member in the category (c) above will have to deposit in advance the following annual fee-
For one card Rs 1000/- (can borrow one book)
For two card Rs 2000/- (can borrow two books)
  1. Membership will be renewed after one year on payment of Rs 100/-
  2. Each member will be issued a library card-cum-identity card (non transferable) at the time of enrollment, which would entitle him to for taking books on loan.
  3. The library card would be returned to the member when he returns the books.
  4. Student member will come to the library personally to take and return books on loan.
  5. Membership of a student will remain valid till he gets his roll number for appearing in his final semester of an academic year. A student member who wishes to continue membership of library during the examination days will be required to returned all the books, pay all dues within two days of the completion of his examination; failing which his result will be withheld by Controller of Examinations.
  6. The librarian may recall any book from any member at any time.
  7. No book shall be issued on loan which in the opinion of the Librarian in not in a condition to be safely handled by the borrower.

Renewal of book

The loan of books may be renewed at discretion of the Librarian provided the books in question are not in demand by other members.


A member may get book requisitioned for loan by filling prescribed reservation slop available at the issue counter. If the member who got the books reserved fails to collect the reserved book within two day after the intimation, such a book may be issued to others members.

Before getting books issued any mutilation or markings should be pointed out immediately to the issue counter assistant and his initials be obtained. Otherwise the member shall be responsible for mutilations and marking discovered afterward.

A gate pass will issued from issue counter for each book. The gate pass along with the issued book will be handed over by the member to the library attendant on duty at the gate, who after verifying the particulars will return the book to the member and keep back the gate pass with him.

A member can be issued two books and two magazines at a time for one week.

At the rate of the one rupee per day per book will charged, if the book is returned after due date.

Loss of the library card-cum-identity card

The loss of a library card-cum-identity card should be reported immediately in writing to the Librarian. To enable such members to continue the membership, duplicate library card-cum-identity card would be issue on payment of Rs 50/- within one week from the date of reporting.

Loss/ mutilation of books

  1. In case of damage or loss of a book the member shall be required to replace the book or pay the cost of replacement of the book. Replacement cost of a book will mean the latest price of the book as per accession register or market price, whichever is higher, plus postal and other incidental charges to be incurred in procuring the book.
  2. If such a book is out of print and list price is not known, the price to be charged will be determined by the Librarian in consultation with Chairman Library.
  3. The amount of replacement cost of the book or any other charges on other counts will be received against an official receipt and the money so collected will be deposited with the account section.

Restricted categories of reading material

Reference books, loose issues and bound volumes of rare books and such other material as may be placed under restricted categories will not be lent out ordinarily.

Text books

  1. One of the copies of a text book placed in text book section in the library will be treat as reference copy or library copy, which will not be for issued to any member.
  2. A book which is on great demand will not be issued to the same student on consecutive days even if he fills in reservation slip.
  3. The following timings have been fixed for the purpose of reservation, issue and return of text books.
Issue of books Daily 10.30 am to 1.00 pm (Monday to Friday)
Return of Books Daily 2.30 am to 6.30 pm (Monday to Friday)

Issue of the no dues certificate to students of IITTM

  1. A member will obtain a clearance certificate from the library after returning all the books issued to him and surrender the library card-cum-identity card.
  2. The examination controller will issue roll numbers to the student members appearing in the final semester examination after they produce a no dues certificate from the library. The controller of examination will also inform the library of the those students, who leave their studies in the mid session and library security/ marks detail will be released by him to them after they produce no dues certificate from the library.

Photocopy Facility

  1. Facilities are having photocopies of relevant books and journals, at the rate of 75 paise per page. For this, member may be fill up the photocopy slip obtainable from the photocopy in charge and give it to them with relevant documents.
  2. Only library literature is allowed for photocopy.
  3. The photocopies will be delivered next day.

Audio visual facility

Audio visual equipment is also installed in the library. Interested members are requested to take prior permission from the Librarian to use it.

  1. At a time only one person can avail the audio visual facility with the use of head phone.
  2. Students can watch Educational movie during 2 PM to 5 PM of last Sunday of every month.